It's 3am in the morning and I finally came to the conclusion that I had nothing else to do since I can't sleep than to write another blog. This has almost become my haven to pass the time and avoid the fact that there is no one else around to keep me company. You know its bad when you are so bored and lonely that you leave your bedroom window open to merely get the comfort of the occasional car driving by so that you know you aren't the only fool who's up at this time.
On second thought, I'm really not that lonely, it just adds for the effect....
Over the past few months I've been in my band Amaryllis, and the music I get to write has a been a wonderful outlet for my thoughts and questions that I've never had before. When I write, I'll go through stages where I'll write a song or two a day for about a month, but then I'll go on week long periods of rest to just try and gather myself. It's not that I'm really at a writer's block or anything, or tired, but rather tired of thinking so much.
These past few weeks have really been amazing for me. I've seen things in ways that I've never seen them before, I've experienced everyday events in ways that have left me breathless, and I've interacted better than I would have ever imagined possible. Sometimes taking a step back is just what someone needs: not wondering how to do things, but just letting yourself do them. Some brain our size has no chance at comprehending the intricacies of our planet, and most of the time it's best we try not to, and just take it in.
It's really a strange concept I guess, to think too much. But, the way I see it, the more time we spend in thought, the less we spend in awe. And one of the major lessons I've had to learn in life is that I can't explain everything, but most of the time that's the beauty of it.
Hope everyone is having good dreams, and that you wake to a day where you can stand back in awe of it. Sleep well muchachos!!
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