Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Nothing Simple

Soooo I got an incredible idea for a song last night. Each and every time we try and write a song, or a poem, or a skit for God we sit down for hours, or days, or even weeks to debate on the perfect sentence structure, just the right adjective, past or present tense, and so on. But last night, I was sitting there, writing a song, when a Bible verse came into my head, "when you pray, don't go on rambling like the hypocrites, but make your words few because the Father knows your needs." Jesus actually told us not to stress over the words because God already knows them.

Now I know what You're thinking, and no, I didn't just write a song where we repeat "I love God" or "I love Jesus" over and over again. I thought hard on that concept and wondered why Jesus might tell us that. The conclusion I came to was that, in my personal experience, everytime I write, it takes FOREVER to think of the exact thing to say because God is so many things. Infinite, omnipotent, rational, irrational, and most importantly BEYOND VOCABULARY. Jesus told us not to be concerned with finding the words to describe God because it can't be done, our God is beyond words and cannot be confined within any sort of human construction.

And that, my friends, was the basis for this song. Throughout the verses I delved into my vocabulary, writing down the first things that popped into my head when I think of the glory and majesty of God. I tried my best to convey everything that he means to me and to this world. And then upon reaching the chorus, you realize that we can try and try to describe our God, turn through pages of dictionaries and the Bible and still fall short. But the beauty of the whole thing is that we still try--can you imagine the fact that we are going to be bringing praise to God for ETERNITY.....how many different words and tongues will we get to praise Him with?

When you look past a song or poem as stressful and just realize that bringing everything You can out of joy and love is all you can do in His presence, THAT'S when you see the true goal of praise. Comprehending God and explaining who He is will always be beyond our understanding, but the beautiful thing about praise is that we will always keep trying.

"I'll try to make my words few,
But there's nothing simple about You."

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