Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Man, I'll tell you something honest--if you want to experience one of the greatest pains in the earthly flesh, go through a breakup.
It's hard after more than a year's worth of life shared with someone to finally realize that they weren't the one that God planned to be in your life. Partly because you feel like you weren't good enough to satisfy the things that they needed, and partly because you committed yourself to something completely and still couldn't manage to make it work.
It's things like this that make me realize that no matter how hard I try to maintain something or to make it better, if God wills for it not to be, IT'S NOT GOING TO BE. I guess I'm coming to this realization fairly easily considering the circumstances. I would definately say that God has given me the spiritual gift of great faith to know that he will get me through the hard times. I just pray that he can do the same for the person on the other side of this breakup. Please keep both of us in your prayers, that we may continue to grow in the Lord and be built in faith for better things to come.

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