Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I always think it's fun/funny to look back on things from my childhood. Since I can remember, I've kept a box of mementos of things I did, and from time to time I look through them to see just how vibrantly I can remember something. I recently found myself looking at what was my first attempt at something like this blog-- my 4th grade journal.

It was pretty much a failed undertaking from the start-- accounting for only one week of vacation at Disney World and a couple of days of being mad. In fact, now that I think about it, I only started it so I could have a moment of glory, sharing my vacation with the class. Anyways, I guess the point I noticed was that everything I accounted for dealt with the big thrills of the trip- the roller coasters, meeting characters, the hotel, etc. It's only now that I've grown that I can remember the music playing in the streets, not being upset to wait in lines for once, a solid week of peace in the family, and the strange resemblance those glowing needle sticks had to the Orlando night sky. The thought that invaded my mind at the time of this reading was really just a strange revelation to me: when we are small, our minds only seem to recount the large picture, it is only when we become "big" that we can truly appreciate detail. In essence, you have to be big to truly appreciate the small.
This idea can be supported by many things in life. One being becoming a parent. Children look up to parents as their "big" role models, and it has been said that someone truly learns to appreciate life through the eyes of a child, their "small self". In my mind, this holds true in every family tie, including ours with God. We love God because He is "bigger" than us. He is more fulfilling, loving, and knowing than any of us could ever be.
In the same sense, God is able to love and see life new each time through our eyes. He is able to appreciate His creation through the goodness of our choices. Since God is in fact the "big picture", He sees nothing but the "small"- the details and the intricacies of life. I guess this is just one of the many paradoxes of life that make it what it is!

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